Look After Yourself With

Conditions and Treatments

Anxiety and Stress
Feelings of anxiety and stress can cause a multitude of problems. We might find it difficult to concentrate, experience panic attacks, suffer nausea, muscle tension or feelings of being overwhelmed. Our sleep can be badly affected too, and we often experience physical symptoms directly related to anxiety and stress.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps you to concreate on the good and positive things you have in your life. We work on solutions and also help you experience deep levels of relaxation. This helps you formulate and visualize solutions for achieving long term calmness.
Low Mood
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can prevent low mood from developing further, and help keep you on track emotionally. If you feel like you have issues with low mood, no energy or motivation, symptoms of depression or simply feel like you can’t be bothered. Hypnotherapy can help you break that negative cycle
While other types of therapy may concentrate on the problem, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy concentrates on the way forward. Together we can help you realise and acknowledge the good things you have in your life and address your low mood issues.
At Hughes Hypnotherapy we can work together and plan and move towards the positive future you are longing for.

Stop Smoking

The intellectual part of your brain knows about the dangers of smoking, yet you just can’t stop. You know how expensive it is and how you would have a lot more money in your pocket if you didn’t, yet you just can’t stop. You know it makes you smell, yet you just can’t stop.
If it was as simple as getting a nicotine hit, then why don’t the patches work?
You are stuck in a repeating pattern of behaviour that you can just can't break.
If you really want to stop smoking, hypnotherapy can reach your subconscious brain and make quitting a whole lot easier.
We can use the power of hypnotherapy to focus on quitting the smoking habit and not associating smoking with any time, place, emotion or situation. The rest is up to you.
Anger Management
Whether at work, at home, or in any situation, uncontrolled anger can cause damage to yourself and the people around you. Words cannot be unsaid and may even cost you your job, your friends or a partner. People can become nervous around you. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can support you with tools to manage your anger.
Anger is a primitive protection mechanism, and is used to keep us safe. It makes us look bigger and stronger and therefore protects us from a perceived danger or attack. However sometimes it can be triggered at inappropriate moments and becomes out of control.
The feeling of losing control can result in high blood pressure, headaches, digestive problems, poor sleep and anxiety. Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. The body is flooded with stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.
If we are calmer our perceptions of stresses and danger change for the better. Hypnotherapy can help you to understand your own brain and why some of us store repeat behaviours that cause distress. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you change those patterns and your reactions for the better

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, can be hard. It can cause you to avoid certain situations at work, socially or just going about your everyday life. IBS can cause anxiety, stress and depression. IBS is not psychological but psychological factors can make symptoms worse.
Hypnotherapy relaxes the central nervous system, raises mood, reduces stress and anxiety. Calming the central nervous system, increasing serotonin and creating better patterns helps keep IBS at bay.
Many IBS sufferers who undertake a short course of hypnotherapy see long term improvements and some see it disappear completely.

Fear is a natural and healthy response we all have to danger. Phobias are different. Phobias are more intense than fears - they can lead to severe anxiety and panic attacks for some of us.
Whatever your phobia is, it exists in our subconscious and is a learned response, so this makes hypnotherapy an excellent treatment. It can help you unlearn the fear response.

We can all experience trouble sleeping from time to time but insomnia becomes a problem when we experience prolonged periods of sleep deprivation. We start to find it hard to fall asleep at night, we may start to use medication or alcohol to get to sleep. We may wake up in the night and struggle to get back to sleep and this can lead to feeling of anxiety about going to bed or trying to sleep. This then can lead to us experiencing extreme tiredness during the day and maybe even becoming irritable or find it hard to concentrate.
One of the first things you will notice after beginning a course of hypnotherapy is that sleep patterns become more settled. Hypnosis helps the body and mind to relax enough to get to sleep more easily, soothing and calming our central nervous system and helps us to stay asleep through the night. Hypnosis also helps to deepen sleep increasing the amount of time that you spend in delta wave deep sleep by as much as 80%.
If you are experiencing the same thoughts over and over and performing compulsive repetitive activities, this may indicate you are suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. It can affect all aspects of your life, work, home and friendships.
You are not alone. We live in a stressful world and OCD can be our primitive brains way of keeping control. Habits and responses are learned and evolve over time. Our rituals may have become associated, with keeping us or our loved ones safe. Our primitive brain has taken over, to some extent, from our intellectual one and may have too much control. It is constantly looking out for danger. Our protection response has become obsessive and compulsive.
Habits and responses are learned over time. They can be changed and new ones can be learned to replace old unhelpful ones. Solution focused hypnotherapy can access your subconscious and can help lower stress levels to bring calmness and control back into your life.

Negative Thinking
Learning to replace negative emotions and thoughts with positive ones, can be done. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is the ideal method to help us imagine our future goals, and manage our anxiety.
We can replace negative forecasting with a new, positive outlook. Unlike some therapy techniques, solution focused therapies are forward-looking. We can acknowledge how past experiences have shaped our current behaviours, but then we focus on how to move forwards towards a new way of thinking.
We can replace negative forecasting with a new, positive outlook. We can help you work to reprogramme your thought patterns and help shape your positive future.

Weight Management
Sometimes we know what we should be doing, but we just cant do it. We need to think about weight loss differently. Why are we eating excessively or making poor food choices? Excess weight is often a symptom of something else.
· Feeling low or depressed
. Feeling stressed
· Lack of sleep
· Loneliness
· Low self esteem
· Boredom
· Financial worries
· Fear
· Someone else’s belief that we need to lose weight
· A misguided self-belief that we need to lose weight
· negative thoughts about ourselves and others
Our issues with weight may require a whole new approach to anything we have tried previously. This takes time and patience.